thermodynamic potential

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  1. Thermodynamic Properties of A Relativistic Fermi Gas Trapped in a General External Potential
  2. As an example, we app it to calculate the thermodynamic potential of two-loop QED and the renormalization.
  3. A nonequilibrium potential is defined in terms of the stationary solution of master equations in thermodynamic limit. In statistical equilibrium, this potential is reduced to entropy while in linear nonequilibrium region to ex-cess entropy.
  4. Oxygen plasma to modify the fine-PET. The law of effects of plasma treatment time, gas pressure, discharge power on wettability, crystallinity, surface thermodynamic potential and dye up-take was discussed.
  5. Some of thermodynamic relations in external electric and magnetic field were studied in this paper. The results show that the internal energy and pressure need to be revised in order to keep form of traditional chemical potential and pressure at phase equilibrium unchanged.
  6. Based on the thermodynamic principle that all species of solution are in simultaneous equilibrium, this paper has analyzed the thermodynamic equi-librium of Cu Fe S Cl H_2O system and represented it by constructing the potential pH diagram of chalcopyrite-Cl~ H_2O system.
  7. The discussion on acting mechanism of the catalyst material is actually the study of the process for fostering crystals from melten solution. The main driving force which produces the process is the thermodynamic potential difference between diamond and liquid phase.
  8. Thermodynamic Properties on the Low-Dimensional Perfect Bose Gas in an External Potential
  9. In addition, with the thermodynamic data predicted, potential phases diagrams of Al-O-N, Si-O-N and B-O-N systems are calculated out, which can give us theoretical basis for analyzing and determining preparation and use condition of O Sialon-BN compounds.
  10. In this dissertation, MDS has been used to predict the thermodynamic properties and transport coefficients of an argon system with Lennard-Jones potential to reveal the propagation mechanism of a disturbance in the medium, to discuss the interface characteristics under saturated condiction.
  11. Based on the thermodynamic model of the formation of solutions containing alcohols proposed by our previous work, an equation of excess volume is established by the approach to charging and releasing attractive potential energy between two components.
  12. The article, after defining two new conceptions& thermodynamic potential energy and kinetic energy, puts forward a hypothesis of thermodynamic oscillation which results from transformation of each other.
  13. Thermodynamic analysis for the selected chlorination leaching at controlled potential
  14. Presents the thermodynamic principle of an ideal combined cooling, heating and power system and indicates its huge potential in energy saving.
  15. We solve the Dirac function with magnetic field and deduce the thermodynamic potential of the magnetic system.
  16. According to the principle of simultaneous chemical equilibrium a complete thermodynamic analysis on the system Cu NH3 H2O has been made. A new method for constructing the potential pH diagrams of this system is proposed.
  17. The methodology of simulating the thermodynamic behaviors of solid materials by molecular dynamics method is elucidated in detail. Some key techniques, such as the control of temperature and stress, potential functions are emphasized.
  18. The calculated thermodynamic and kinetic results preclude formation of NF ( X 3 Σ) by the direct reaction of H+ NF 2 on the triplet potential surface.
  19. Finite-Temperature Thermodynamic Potential of Two-Loop QED and Overlapping Divergences at Arbitrary Gauge
  20. When thermodynamic treatment is carried out on a soil-plants-atmosphere-water system in order to derive a mathematical expression of water potential by use of the concept of chemical potentials, we have to consider the equilibrium of heat, forces and substances or then thermodynamic equilibrium in the system.
  21. Thermodynamic treatment of water potential for a soil-plants-water-atmosphere system
  22. The results show that when using Collins model to study the thermodynamic properties of liquid, as long as they consider the interaction potential energy and unharmonic oscillation of atoms, they can obtain the results which have the same changing tendency as the results of actual liquid.
  23. The results show that the Gibbs free energy thermodynamic theory could be used to study if the water in Karst areas could be the potential sources or sinks of CO_2 in atmosphere without any limitation.
  24. The probability functions of carriers occupying the impurity level are calculated by applying the Fermi-Dirac distribution function and the thermal-equilibrium theory of the impurity ionization, the result accord with that obtained by applying the conventional thermodynamic and statistical theory and the method of computing the chemical potential.
  25. Features of the Thermodynamic system of IGCC and Analysis for Improving Potential Thermal Economy
  26. After solving the infinite coupled equations from the thermodynamic Bethe-ansatz, we get the relation of density and chemical potential.
  27. The thermodynamic functions of electrode reaction were calculated according to the relations between the thermodynamic functions and the electrode potential or the electrode temperature coefficient.
  28. The thermodynamic and kinetic of oxidation reaction can be facilely controlled by tuning the potential range and cycling time respectively.